Taxonomic list T1, primary language: LA, subsidiary: ES, interface: EN, work in progress


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Top level cellula Short Extended
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Taxonomic list
Short official Latin term
Short Spanish equivalent
68646 10157
67513 18505
cellula nuclearis
célula nuclear
18649 18507
cellula haploidea
célula haploide
72300 18508
cellula somatica
célula somatica
66768 18509
cellula epithelialis T2 23 children
célula epitelial
67328 18510
cellula muscularis
célula muscular
63875 18511
cellula connectiva
célula conectiva
70333 18512
cellula nervosa T2 226 children
célula nerviosa
70336 22877
cellula hemalia T2 4 children
célula hemal
68647 18506
cellula nonnuclearis T2 4 children
célula nonnuclear
10 items
Scientific notes
Type of list T1
List Unit Identifier 10157
Sublist 1 18506 cellula nonnuclearis 4/5 on 5.9.2020
Sublist 2 18509 cellula epithelialis 20/21 on 5.9.2020
Error in sublist Found children 23 Found units 24
Sublist 3 18512 cellula nervosa 211/212 on 5.9.2020
Error in sublist Found children 226 Found units 227
Sublist 4 22877 cellula hemalia 4/5 on 5.9.2020
Subtotals subchildren 239 subunits 243
Proper children 9
Invalid number of children Found children: 266
Check Sublist children: 239
Proper units 6
Invalid number of units Found units: 249
Check Found units: 243
Invalid signature 2784 ( 6.9.2020)
Date: 07.06.2024